Winter Sports Pictures will be taken on Monday, March 6 at 10:30 am.

Varsity Basketball Playoff Schedule:
Boys @ Snow Hill, Friday, Feb. 24 at 5:00 pm
Girls @ Washington, Friday, Feb. 24 at 4:00 pm

Save the date!
The 2023 CHS Prom will be held on Saturday, April 29, at the Crisfield Elks Lodge from 7 to 10 pm. Grand March will be held in the CHS auditorium beginning at 6 pm. Tickets for prom will be $25 each or $40 a couple. Grand March tickets will be $5 each. All tickets will go on sale the week of prom.

Change in game time:
Friday's Boys JV Basketball game will now take place at 4:30 (instead of 5:00) and the Boys Varsity game will play at 6:00 (instead of 6:30). This is Senior Night and seniors will be recognized from the Boys Basketball Team, Indoor Track, Cheerleaders, and Pep Band during halftime of the varsity game.

Are you in need of Crabber gear and would like to support the CHS Softball Team? If so, check out this link.

For anyone planning on attending this afternoon's Girls Varsity Basketball game at Bennett, purchase your tickets ahead of time from this link!

Sports Schedule for Week of Feb. 6 - 10
Boys Varsity Basketball Home vs. Bennett - 5:30 pm
Girls Varsity Basketball @ Bennett - 5:00 pm
Indoor Track Regional Playoffs @ Worcester Recreation Center (Snow Hill)
Girls Varsity Basketball @ Easton - 4:00 pm
Boys JV Basketball Home vs. Easton - 5:00 pm
Boys Varsity Basketball Home vs. Easton - 6:30 pm - Senior Night

El 4 y ltimo evento FAFSA de la escuela CHS se llevar a cabo el 22 de febrero, de 1 pm a 5 pm. Las estudiantes que se van a graduar deben inscribirse con la Sra. Daum si planean asistir al evento.
Los estudiantes deben traer un padre/tutor legal al evento. Los padres/tutores legales deben traer sus declaraciones de impuestos federales de 2021 al evento.

Attention Parents who drop off and pick up their students to school: for their safety, please pick up and drop off at the BACK entrance to the school, not on Somerset Avenue. Also, there is to be no parking on Mercury Drive. Thank you for your cooperation.

CHS 4th and final FAFSA Event will be held Feb. 22nd , 1 pm - 5 pm. Seniors should sign up with Mrs .Daum if they plan to attend the event.
Students must bring a parent/legal guardian to the event. Parents/legal guardians must bring their 2021 Federal Tax returns to the event.

For those planning on attending the Indoor Track Regional Meet at the Worcester County Rec Center in Snow Hill on Wednesday, Feb. 8, please be aware that the MPSSAA has set up online ticketing for all indoor meets through GoFan and will collect the revenue. Tickets can be purchased at ticket.mpssa.org. There will be a procedure at the admission gate for those folks who did not purchase tickets prior to the event.

A huge thank you to the anonymous donors who contributed to the 8th Grade Winter Dance held last month. Eighth grade advisor, Mrs. Jamie Brandenberg, noted that the students were very grateful and had a great time! Without their assistance and support, the dance would have been unable to be held.

Just a reminder that all tickets for Todays Girls Basketball game at Wicomico High School must be purchased online through:
Just type in Crisfield High School
Wicomico High School

A game has been added for today, Jan. 24! The Academy Boys Basketball Team will play Living Hope today at SIS. Game Time is 3:00pm

No student 12 or under will be allowed into a home game unless accompanied by an adult.
Students = $3
Adults = $5
Ningún estudiante de edad de 12 años o menor NO podrá ingresar a un juego en casa a menos que esté acompañado por un adulto.
Estudiantes = $3
Adultos = $5

FYI for all interested!

Have you purchased your 2022-2023 yearbook yet? There's still time but sooner is better than later because the price will go up! If you purchase by January 26, the price is $55. It goes to $60 if purchased during Quarter 3 and $65 during Quarter 4. So don't delay! Also, senior ads and business ads are on sale now too! To purchase contact Mrs. Gray at ggray@somerset.k12.md.us.

Attention Seniors! Have you had your portraits taken yet? You still have an opportunity if you haven't. Prestige will be here on January 23rd, but you must make your appointment online by January 21st. Check with Mrs. Gray if you need help making your appointment!

Attention Parents & Guardians,
Please go into your student's PowerSchool and update all information! This could include phone numbers, addresses and emergency contacts. This is extremely important in case we need to contact you in the event that your child becomes ill or injured while in school, so make sure you have a plan in place if this happens. We appreciate your attention to this matter! Thank you