Last week Mr, Randy Laird's Government class presented group projects on landmark Supreme Court cases. They did an awesome job!

Reminder: Students do not report on Friday March 17, 2023 to accommodate staff professional development.

Congratulations to sophomore Harmony Carter - this year's Carson Scholar!

It was Speech Day in Ms. Vickie Nelson's dual enrollment Intro to Public Speaking class! Braden's speech was about soccer!

The CHS Baseball team is sponsoring a Fancloth Fundraiser! Great opportunity to get some Crabber gear because many of the items are non sport-specific. Don't miss this great opportunity! https://fancloth.shop/CVTFB

Congratulations to our March Students and Staff of the Month! Shown from left are Dean of Students Mrs. Keisha Evans. Principal David Arnold, senior Avery W., junior Will H., sophomore Chase B., freshman LeMonte B., 8th graders Thomas L., and staff of the month Ms. Erin Walbert.

Students in Mrs. Mandy Lanford's Physics class were observing the interaction of concurrent vector forces today!

On Tuesday, Feb. 28, students were recognized for making Honor Roll and Principal's Honor Roll and Perfect Attendance. Photos are in order from Seniors to 8th graders. Many students were not in attendance due to attending the Technical High School or Work Study.

The CHS Track & Field team is sponsoring a fundraiser through March 10. To purchase Crabber attire geared towards track, follow this link to see the catalog. https://qrco.de/bdkb2Q.
For those supporting the CHS Varsity Baseball team, a Fancloth fundraiser will begin on March 8. Stay tuned for the link! Thanks for being a Crabber supporter!

It's Career Week! During the week of March 6-10, during lunch shifts, there will be representatives from UMES (engineering & aviation sciences, computer science, human ecology, hospitality & tourism, business management & accounting), ECI, and the infant and toddler program, a DJ, a barber, folks from Shore Way to College, and more! Students will be encouraged to speak to them about possible careers!

Good afternoon Somerset Community, and Crisfield Academy & High School families and staff. This is Dr. Gaddis, Superintendent of Schools, with a message to inform you of a change in leadership at Crisfield Academy & High School.
Effective Monday, March 6, 2023, Mr. Jeff Hale will no longer serve as the School Principal. Mr. David Arnold, current Assistant Principal at Washington Academy & High School, will leave his posting to serve as Interim Principal at Crisfield Academy & High School for the remainder of the 2022-2023 academic year.
Please join us in welcoming Mr. Arnold into his new role as Interim Principal. If you have questions about this change, please contact me at the Somerset Board of Education Office at 410-651-1616.
Click here to read the letter in English: https://5il.co/1q2nb
Click here to read the letter in Spanish: https://5il.co/1q2tz

Reminders about Friday, March 3:
It is a Casual Day for students and staff for $1 (pay to 3rd period teacher).
Mid-term grades will be issued (we're half way through the 3rd Quarter).
Have a great evening!

Due to fog, Somerset County Public Schools will open 2 hours late today, Thursday, March 2, 2023. Essential & FNS staff and should report on time or when it is safe to do so. Please drive safely!

Applications for Student Representatives to the Board of Education are available for rising juniors and seniors (current sophomores and juniors). Please see Mrs. Daum for an application. Deadline is March 24.

We're thrilled to announce the new app for Somerset
County Public Schools!
Watch our short video: https://youtu.be/sZZKqXgbThY
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3lCc7qE
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3Z7vvdF

Are you interested in a career in education? Take a look at this! Permission slips are in the office.

The Tennis Club will begin on Tuesday, March 7th from 3 to 4:30. All participating students must have already signed up with Mrs. Brandenberg and bring their signed permission slips and a physical within the last year.

In honor of Black History Month, the annual CHS Read-In was held on Friday, Feb. 24. Students read passages or poems written by notable African Americans. The event was organized by Mrs. Lindsay Tilghman.

Softball tryouts for 8th graders will take place on Thursday, March 2 at 5:00 pm at CAHS.

Wor-Wic will be hosting a Dual Enrollment Information Night on Tuesday, February 28th from 6:00pm to 7:00 pm on their campus in Guerrieri Hall. Current high school sophomores, juniors and their parents, can receive information about how high school students can earn college credits while in high school. RSVP here: http://ow.ly/teAw50MMib0. Questions can directed to rwebster@worwic.edu or 410-334-2896.