Friday at CAHS Vane Brothers Company (Marine Transportation) came to the school to talk about careers on Tugboats. Great opportunity coming out of high school! Thank you to Mr. Wheatley and Kassandra Sullivan. Talk with your guidance counselor or community liaison for more information.
about 2 hours ago, Crisfield High School
March 29th Golf Tournament. Sign up ASAP! Spots for teams are filling up fast. Only a few spots remain!
1 day ago, Crisfield High School
Hey Crisfield High Juniors and Seniors - you and your guest can get free prom attire on March 22nd from 9 am to 2 pm! Please see the attached flyers and complete the form below for transportation to and from the event. Don't wait, spots are limited!
1 day ago, Crisfield Academy and High School
Prom Giveaway
Student Board Member applications are now being accepted for the 2025-2026 school year. To receive an application: students must be a rising junior or senior students must have a 3.33 Cum. GPA or higher applications are available in Mrs. Daum's office application deadline is April 4th, students should turn them in to Mrs. Daum
1 day ago, Crisfield High School
Interested in placing an ad in the 24-25 Yearbook? See the flyer for pricing!
2 days ago, Crisfield High School
Yearbook Ad Flyer
CAHS is continuing to showcase a student that is considered College and Career Ready by the Maryland College and Career ready standards. This means the student has excelled through rigorous school instruction. This week we are showcasing Tyiona Blue! College, University, Career: Bowie State University Interested Field of Study: Elementary Education with a minor in Special Education Plans in the Future: Tyiona reported, “Open my own daycare or school.” What do you like most about the CAHS Community?: Tyiona reported, “We live in a very small town. Everybody knows everybody and I feel like it gives you more opportunities for things.”
2 days ago, Crisfield High School
Seniors! Make sure to check out the Scholarship Bulletin Board across from the main office. All available scholarships are located there. But don't forget to check out the Class of 2025 Google Classroom. There are many scholarships available online only!
3 days ago, Crisfield High School
Scholarship Board
On Tuesday, February 25th, our Learning Support Team, along with Mrs Keisha Evans, presented a Read-In that allowed students, staff and community members to learn about and celebrate African American History through poems, short stories, and songs. It was a very fun and interesting time for all! And our LST is looking forward to an even bigger and better program next year!
3 days ago, Crisfield High School
Read In
Read In
Read In
Read In
Read In
Calling all students interested in a summer internship at NASA.
3 days ago, Crisfield High School
NASA Flyer
Due to anticipated high winds and severe storms expected this afternoon, Wednesday, 3/5/2025, all after-school activities and evening events have been canceled. Please be safe!
3 days ago, Somerset County Public Schools
Due to anticipated high winds and severe storms expected this afternoon,  Wednesday, 3/5/2025,  all after-school activities and evening events have been canceled. Please be safe!
The Class of 2029 Snap fundraiser is up and running! Use the link to make a donation and share the link! Thank you!
4 days ago, David Arnold
The trip for East Carolina University has been postponed till 3/17 due to severe weather conditions. Thank you for your understanding.
4 days ago, David Arnold
It's time to celebrate our student and staff of the week. Congratulations to: Mrs. Vickie Evans for being staff of the week Noah Ford for being named male student of the week Nichole Wang for being named female students of the week and Emily Engle for being named our Athlete of the week. You all make Crisfield Academy and High School a better place!
4 days ago, Crisfield Academy and High School
Our student and staff of the week with Mrs. Keisha Evans.
Emily Engle was named our Athlete of the week.
5 days ago, Crisfield High School
Good afternoon CAHS Families and Friends. The link provides the weekly video message from the CAHS Principal. These videos are provided in an effort to keep everyone informed of the weekly events at CAHS.
6 days ago, Crisfield High School
Students, who are interested in dual enrollment classes, and their parents are invited to attend Wor Wic Community College's Dual Enrollment Info Night, on March 5, 6 pm. See flyer for registration details.
9 days ago, Crisfield High School
Dual Enrollment Info Night
More photos of the specific groups who participated at the ESBDA Solo & Ensemble Festival at Pocomoke High School today (Feb. 27)! We are so proud of these talented students! Their hard work has paid off!
9 days ago, Crisfield High School
Band Festival
Band Festival
Band Festival
Band Festival
Band Festival
Band Festival
Band Festival
Band Festival
Band Festival
Varsity Girls Softball Tryouts will be on Monday at 4:30.
9 days ago, David Arnold
Congratulations to our Band Members who participated in the ESBDA Solo & Ensemble Festival at Pocomoke High School today. All earned a "1" which is the best rating possible. 100% success rate! All earned a gold medal and have qualified for states! Wonderful job band members!!
9 days ago, David Arnold
Congratulations to Giselle Gonzalez Paniagua for coming in 12th in the state for 1A shot put. Giselle got a personal record on her first throw of the day. Way to go Giselle!
10 days ago, Crisfield Academy and High School
Giselle setting up her throw
Giselle finishing up her shot
Giselle finishing up her shot