Update: we had to change the date to Wednesday, January 8th at 5:30. Calling all parents and supporters of Crisfield Athletics. We are starting an Athletic Boosters. Our first meeting will be on January 8th. Please make plans to attend so we can get this thing started!
Calling all students! Have you taken any interesting photographs over the Winter Break? If so, enter them in the 2nd Annual Photography Contest! You do not have to be taking Photography to enter and you might win a monetary prize. Send your photo to Ms. Nelson either by email to vnelson@somerset.k12.md.us, or send it via text message to 302-907-9211 (this is a corrected number from the original poster). Please include your name. Everything has texture, and photo opportunities are all around us! Possibilities include food, pets, landscapes, nature, lighting, outdoor or indoor shots, people, events, abstract objects. The sky is literally the limit! The deadline has been extended to Thursday, January 9. Contact Ms. Nelson with any questions.
Good afternoon Crabbers - We hope everyone is enjoying the Christmas and New Year break.
There is an opportunity for Community Service this Saturday, Jan 4th @ the Crisfield Firehall. If your student is in need service learning hours, please contact Woody Lee or Andrew Collins at Acollins@somerset.k12.md.us
The staff had fun playing "the Grinch game" Friday. The four people who had the Grinch at 2:30 won the game and a gift card.
Congrats to Mr Duer, Mr Coleman, Mrs Jackson and Mrs Breland for being able to hold on to the Grinch.
"Your a mean one Mr. Grinch" for making students and staff come to school the Friday before Christmas. The students and staff all enjoyed your visit though!
Congratulations to Mrs. Amanda Lankford on being National Board Certified!
Becoming NBC is a lengthy and rigorous process that could take 2 years to complete. Mrs. Lankford joins our other NBC teacher Mrs. Breland to make Crisfield High School the only school with two NBC teachers in Somerset County.
Parents stay connected with your students grades, attendance, etc. and keep forms updated by getting connected to PowerSchool.
Calling all parents and supporters of Crisfield Athletics. We are starting an Athletic Boosters. Our first meeting will be on January 7th. Please make plans to attend so we can get this thing started!
The staff and students are in the Christmas spirit. We love our CAHS staff and students.
Today is Christmas Character Day and several of the staff joined in the fun!
The Spanish I class went caroling today through the school! Here they stopped into Ms. Nelson's classroom. Mrs. Anna Breland is the Spanish and Mass Comm teacher. Feliz Navidad!
☃️❄️As the holidays approach and winter break nears, Dr. Tasker-Mitchell shares her warm wishes, reflections on all that has been accomplished this year and news & information for the month of January.
🔗 Click the link to view her video message! ⬇️
more treats to bid on
The staff is raising money to help Mrs. Pearl McCready, a longtime teacher and sub for SCPS, with expenses related to being in Baltimore with her daughter, who recently had a heart transplant.
If you would like to bid on any of the following, please call the office at 410-968-0150. All proceeds are going to Mrs. Pearl from this bake sale. The LST team is matching the final amount raised, to double the total funds going towards Mrs. Pearl.
Bids close at 2 pm today
CAHS is proud of our staff and students, we have some of the best in the county. If you see these young people in the community congratulate them on a job well done. Mrs R. Merritt, A. Aurnt, D. Mister, D. Panzo, and E. Engle.
The sounds of the season could be heard in the halls of CAHS this evening as the Music department presented their annual Winter Concert. The Choir and the Band (who was joined by 8th grade band students) performed a number of holidays songs. The concert culminated with a joint effort by both groups in a carol sing-a-long, with Principal David Arnold and Vice Principal Vestina Davis joining in. Everyone did a beautiful job and it was enjoyed by all! Thank you Dr. Tasker-Mitchell for attending!
Good afternoon CAHS Families and Friends. The link provides the weekly video message from the CAHS Principal. These videos are provided in an effort to keep everyone informed of the weekly events at CAHS. https://youtu.be/jEw5_CbYZnk
Recently, this group of future leaders attended the Junior Achievement Lower Shore Leadership Academy at the Perdue Henson Junior Achievement Center in Salisbury. Emma Elliott (one of the attendees) said: "we learned from many notable entrepreneurs and businessmen. We did break out sessions, panel interviews, and leadership 101 classes. Breakout sessions taught us the importance of networking and setting up connections in the business world. In our leadership 101 classes, we learned time management, responsible money spending, and how to take initiative in our desired career paths. Junior achievement was a great experience and amazing opportunity."
The CHS Marching Band hit the streets for their last parade of the season in Princess Anne this evening and did an incredible job! The band and the CHS Choir will present their Winter Concert on Monday, Dec. 16 at 6 pm. Everyone is welcome!
We are proud to announce that this year's Carson Scholarship nominee for CAHS is Katelynn Coleman. Congratulations 🎉 🎊