Due to flooding in low lying parts of the county, Somerset County Public Schools will open 2 hours late today, Monday May 1, 2023. FNS and essential staff should report on time. Please drive safely.
almost 2 years ago, Somerset County Public Schools
exclamation sign inside a yellow triangle with text reads: 2 hour delay
Sports Schedule for Week of May 1-5: Tuesday: Varsity Baseball & Softball @ Washington, 4:00 pm Track & Field @ Bennett, 4:00 pm Thursday: Varsity Baseball & Softball Home vs. Kent County, 4:00 pm *Senior Night for Baseball, Softball, & Track, 3:30 pm
almost 2 years ago, Crisfield High School
May 1 is Principal Appreciation Day and we say thanks to Principal David Arnold! Thank you for all do for CAHS!
almost 2 years ago, Crisfield High School
Today for Administrative Professionals Day, #TeamSCPS would like to thank all of our Administrative Associates and office professionals that keep our day to day operations running smoothly! You make our school system a better and more organized place to learn, work and serve our community! Happy #AdministrativeProfessionalsDay!
almost 2 years ago, Somerset County Public Schools
notebook on a desk with some glasses and a pen and on the notebook text that reads administrative professionals day
The Crisfield Lioness Lions $1000 Scholarship application is now available! Applicants must be 18 years of age, a graduate of Crisfield High School or Holly Grove Christian School, and reside in Crisfield, Smith Island, Marion or Westover areas, Or, completion of GED, former student of the aforementioned schools and a resident of Somerset County for one year. The scholarship will be paid directly to the institution where the student is attending. Applications are due May 1 and may be mailed to: Crisfield Lioness/Lions Scholarship Committee, P.O. Box 385, Crisfield, MD 21817. Winner will be announced June 1, 2023. For application, email P.J. Simpson at psimpson@somerset.k12.md.us
almost 2 years ago, Crisfield High School
almost 2 years ago, Crisfield High School
Do you have a student graduating this year? You can tell them how proud you are by purchasing an ad in the yearbook! Senior and business ads are now on sale. Please reach out to Mrs. Grace Gray, yearbook advisor, at ggray@somerset.k12.md.us for more information!
almost 2 years ago, Crisfield High School
Reminder: Wicomico County Public Schools is now using the GoFan website for digital ticketing of all HOME athletic events. Home and Visiting Team fans must purchase tickets online through the high school’s GoFan.co webpage.
almost 2 years ago, Crisfield High School
Sports Schedule for Week of Apr. 17-21 Monday: Varsity Baseball & Softball @ Wicomico, 4:00 pm Wednesday: Varsity Baseball & Softball @ N. Dorchester, 4:00 pm Thursday: Outdoor Track & Field @ Kent Island, 3:00 pm Varsity Baseball & Softball Home vs. Stephen Decatur, 4:00 pm Friday: Academy Baseball & Softball Home vs. Washington, 4:00 pm
almost 2 years ago, Crisfield High School
Did you know that students, staff, and faculty of Somerset County Public Schools can receive medical care right at school? The School Based Health Center at Washington High School is staffed by a licensed provider in partnership with Chesapeake Health Care. Not only can staff diagnose and treat common health conditions, but student-athletes can also get their yearly sports physicals. Call 410-651-4040 for more information, and to schedule an appointment for your student. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWCVFe5b5p4
almost 2 years ago, Somerset County Public Schools
almost 2 years ago, Crisfield High School
Career Fair
MD parents of children receiving special education services—we want to hear from you! Please take this survey: www.mdparentsurvey.com
almost 2 years ago, Somerset County Public Schools
picture of students of all ages with MSDE logo and text that reads please complete the MD SpEd Parent Involvement survey. Your opinion Matters! Available Feb 10 to May 19 2023
Today's (Apr. 12) Academy games against Washington have been postponed due to transportation issues.
almost 2 years ago, Crisfield High School
Sports Schedule for Week of Apr. 11-14 Tuesday: Varsity Baseball & Softball Home vs. Parkside, 4:00 pm Wednesday: Outdoor Track & Field @ North Dorchester, 4:00 pm Academy Baseball & Softball Home vs. Washington Acad., 4:00 pm Varsity Baseball & Softball @ Bennett, 4:00 pm Thursday: Varsity Baseball & Softball Home vs. Mardela, 4:00 pm Friday: Bocce to Pocomoke, 3:30 pm Academy Baseball Home vs. Washington, 4:00 pm
almost 2 years ago, Crisfield High School
Reminder: Today, 4/6/23 is an early dismissal day, then SCPS schools and offices will close for Spring Break on Friday 4/7 and Monday 4/10. We hope everyone has a restful break and we look forward to welcoming back students and staff on Tuesday 4/11.
almost 2 years ago, Somerset County Public Schools
boy holding chalkboard that says closed for spring break
The National Honor Society Induction will be held this evening, April 4, at 6 pm, in the auditorium. Guests should enter the school through the front doors in front of the auditorium. We look forward to seeing you here!
almost 2 years ago, Crisfield High School
Just a reminder that the Winter Sports Awards will be held tomorrow, Monday, April 3rd, at 5:00 pm in the auditorium!
almost 2 years ago, Crisfield High School
Sports Schedule for Week of April 3-6 Tuesday: Academy Baseball & Softball @ Washington, 4:00 pm Wednesday: Outdoor Track & Field @ Snow Hill, 4:00 pm Varsity Baseball & Softball Home vs. Colonel Richardson, 4:00 pm
almost 2 years ago, Crisfield High School
Tonight, SCPS will announce the 2023 Somerset Teacher of the Year! Meet the candidate from Crisfield Academy & High School: Mrs. Amanda Thomas, Science Teacher! Watch her video, here: https://youtu.be/JSGFUeqfK34
almost 2 years ago, Somerset County Public Schools
tan woman with blonde shoulder length hair and white statement earrings, wearing a pink shirt and smiling
Today, March 28, the CHS Symphonic and 8th grade bands, under the direction of Mrs. Heather McHenry, participated in a Virtual Concert in celebration of Music in Our Schools Month, along with five high schools in New Jersey. All schools used Zoom to project into other schools and remotely interacted with each other and listened to each other perform. The concert was adjudicated by Dr. Andrew Yozviak, Director of Bands at West Chester University. All bands did an awesome job!
almost 2 years ago, Crisfield High School