TIME CORRECTION: The 2022-2023 County Student Recognition Ceremonies on May 24 (WHS - North end schools) and 25th (CHS - South end schools) will be held at 7:00 PM (not at 6pm). Please join us at 7:00 on either night, to recognize students and their achievements made in '22-23!

All seniors and their parents/guardians are invited to attend the senior awards program tomorrow, May 23rd at 7:00 pm. Seniors, please report to the school cafeteria by 6:45 pm.

Week of May 22 Calendar Items:
Senior Awards - 7:00 pm
Band Banquet - 6:00 pm
South End County Recognitions - 7:00 pm
Last Day for Seniors
Early Dismissal for all - 11:30 pm
Have a great week!

The Track & Field team competed in the 2 day regional meet at Kent Island High School, Thursday 5/18 and Saturday, 5/20. There were 14 teams in the 1A division.
Several students achieved personal records: Eddie Johnson (100m), Amah-Ru Aalim-Carter (400m), Andre Lane (400m), Rosalia Mateo Martinez (400m, 800m), Giselle Gonzalez (discus), and Caimeke Jackson (discus).
Top finishers for Crisfield were Mariah Lofland who finished 5th in the 300m hurdles and 7th in long jump, and Phoebe Spencer who finished 10th in the mile.
The Track and Field team is coached by Ms. Erin Walbert and Mr. Jean Berard. Good job Crabbers!

On Friday, 45 8th graders earned service learning hours by picking up trash from the streets of Crisfield. Accompanying the students were Ms. Erin Walbert, Ms. Traci Young, Mrs. Kari Horner, Mr. Andy Collins, Mr. Stanley Brown, Mrs. Anna Breland and Mrs. Jen Daniels. After collecting 40 bags of trash, they were able to buy treats from Pay's Sno Shack (who opened early to accommodate them). Great service project and many thanks to Pay's Sno Shack!

Today was the Senior Picnic!

The winners of the Anti-Tobacco Poster contest were announced last Monday evening and cash prizes were awarded. Grand prize winner was Nicole Wang! Other winners included: 1st Place - Harmony Carter, 2nd Place - Ian Johnson, 3rd Place - Sophia Tesoriero, Principal's Choice - Aaliyah McKenzie, Honorable Mention - Joe Lehrer, Honorable Mention - Isabella McHenry, and Honorable Mention - Autumn Schaffer. Congratulations to all!

This Sunday, May 21, is the Haitian Flag Day Celebration in downtown Salisbury from 3 to 8 pm. There will be music (DJ and genuine Haitian artists), singing, dancing, traditional costume parades, cultural presentations, food, vendors, crafts and much more!

Local community pastors will be hosting a Baccalaureate service for Crisfield Academy & High School seniors on Sunday, May 21st at 6:00 pm at Living Hope Ministries of the Eastern Shore.
Living Hope Ministries of the Eastern Shore is located at
27331 Crisfield Marion RD, Crisfield, MD 21817
We want to thank all the local parents and Ministers for stepping up and making this happen for our students!!

This Sunday, May 21, the Crisfield Triathlon will be held at Wellington Beach in Crisfield. There are many opportunities for community service hours, either for teams or individual students.
The Crisfield Triathlon is part of the Eastern Shore Triathlon Series and is a Rev3 event.
This link: https://www.trisignup.com/Race/Volunteer/MD/Crisfield/CrisfieldTriathlon shows all of the volunteer opportunities at this year’s race. Race officials will provide signed community service forms for any students that volunteer.

The Baccalaureate Service will take place this Sunday, May 21 At 6:00. More details to follow!

Don't forget to join us this coming Saturday at Crisfield High School for the dedication of the William "Bill" Cain Coaches Hall of Fame! Join us for this public event on Saturday, May 20, 2023 at 12pm.

Attention Seniors & Senior Parents,
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Class of 2023 Baccalaureate Service scheduled for this Sunday, May 21, 2023 has been cancelled. We apologize for this cancellation.

Parent Teacher Conferences today 4-6 p.m. Tobacco Awareness Art Contest Award Winners announced at 5:00!

The closed session of the May 16, 2023 Regular Meeting of the Somerset Board of Education has been rescheduled from 4:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Open session will begin at 6:00 p.m.

The second Friday in May is National School Communicators Day! A school communicator is one who assists schools and districts in telling their story. Today we are celebrating all of our #TeamSCPS storytellers: from our designated staff photographers, webmasters and social media managers in each school to the administrators developing communication plans and strategies. You are all critical to our mission, goals and keeping our community informed. Thank you! Happy #SchoolCommunicatorsDay!!

The 2022-2023 County Student Recognition Ceremonies will be held for North End Schools on May 24, 6pm at Washington High School, and for South End Schools on May 25, 6pm at Crisfield High School. Please join us as we recognize students and their achievements made in '22-23!

Teacher Appreciation Week is May 8-12, 2023. Please join #TeamSCPS as we thank our teachers for their service to our students and the future leaders of tomorrow. You are appreciated! #ThankATeacher

Tomorrow, Monday, May 8, Spring Sports Pictures will be taken in the gym beginning at 10:30 am. Bring those uniforms!

Congratulations to the students and staff of the Month of May! Shown with Principal David Arnold are senior Luca R., junior Mackenzie B., sophomore Jeremiah C., freshman Tyler C., 8th grader Ashton D., and staff Mrs. Jennifer Daniels.