Wednesday was World Kindness Day and our fabulous Learning Support had students (during their lunches) write kind messages to some fellow classmates and staff. They had to tell who it was from as well! We have some great students at CAHS! We are proud of all who participated in writing kind notes.
about 2 months ago, David Arnold
The Boys JV and Varsity soccer teams enjoyed an end of season meal and awards this past week. Thank you to Coach Frock, Coach Zetina, Coach Mills, and all the players for their hard work and dedication this season. Coach Frock announced C. Haynie as the Coaches Choice Award recipient and named R. Holland and O. Tellez Malagon as Co-MVP's for the 2024 season. Congratulations to all our players and coaches. Thank you to all the families who supported our athletes this fall. ⚽️ 🦀
about 2 months ago, David Arnold
Girls Basketball Coach Greg Bozman Sr. is proud of the scholar athletes who attended the first day of tryouts after school on Friday. After checking on their grade point averages, he was pleased to report their combined GPA is 3.59 on a 4.0 scale. “I know you can retain things,” he said during drills. Assistant Coach is Greg Bozman Jr. Winter sports for all teams start on Thursday, Dec. 5 and the girls will be at Cambridge-South Dorchester. Their first home game is 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 10 against the Pocomoke Warriors. Photo Credit: Richard Crumbacker
about 2 months ago, Crisfield High School
Girls Basketball
Good Friday morning CAHS families. Today, your student will be receiving their Quarter 1 Report Card so please be on the lookout for them. Also, any student who earned Principal's Roll has received an invitation to the Principal's Roll dinner. There is a QR code on the invitation. Please scan this code and RSVP so we can get an accurate count of all who will be attending. Have a wonderful weekend!
about 2 months ago, Crisfield High School
Crisfield Families: Don't miss your opportunity to engage with SCPS leadership at Dr. Tasker-Mitchell's Listening & Learning to Lead community forum tonight, 11/14/24 at 6PM, at Woodson Elementary School. This event is open to all community members. We hope to see you tonight!
about 2 months ago, Somerset County Public Schools
Woodson Elementary Listening & Learning to Lead Forum flyer
Woodson Elementary Listening & Learning to Lead Forum flyer in spanish
Five SCPS educators were recently awarded $20,994 in competitive Education Grants from the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore (CFES) at the recent Education Grants Award Ceremony hosted at Dove Pointe in Salisbury! Congratulations to Rebecca Johnson of CHS, Zachary Bartemy & Paula Fisher of SCTHS, and Kelsey Allen & Mallory Harman of SIS for your outstanding work! Read more in our web article:
about 2 months ago, Somerset County Public Schools
educator photo from the CFES Education Grants Awards Night
educator photo from the CFES Education Grants Awards Night
educator photo from the CFES Education Grants Awards Night
educator photo from the CFES Education Grants Awards Night
educator photo from the CFES Education Grants Awards Night
educator photo from the CFES Education Grants Awards Night
Somerset County Health Dept will return to Crisfield High School on Nov 20th mid-day to administer the Flu shot to anyone who was not in school on 11-01. If you would like for your son or daughter to get the flu shot - consents are in the Nurse's Office.
about 2 months ago, Crisfield Academy and High School
Attention parents and businesses: please support the CHS Yearbook by purchasing an ad! Prices in the flyer!
about 2 months ago, Crisfield High School
Yearbook Ads
East Carolina University visit coming up on Dec. 9!
about 2 months ago, Crisfield High School
Congratulations to our Students of the Week and our Staff of the Week! V. Reddick was recognized for always working hard and trying his best in all his classes. J. Dominguez was recognized for stellar grades and working hard in each of her classes. Mrs. Thomas was recognized for her lab activities and helping all students understand the lessons. Keep up the great work!
about 2 months ago, David Arnold
This morning, students from Crisfield Academy & High School participated in the Veterans Day Breakfast at the Crisfield Elks Lodge, sharing heartfelt tributes to honor local veterans. The CAHS band, led by Mrs. McHenry, performed patriotic selections, and received a portion of the event's 50/50 raffle proceeds in support of the schools band boosters! Thank you to the Crisfield Elks & American Legion for your generosity! Five student leaders—Autumn S., Carrie D., Owen B., Isabella M., and Orlando T.—proudly represented CAHS, distributing 120 thank-you cards to attending Veterans with personal messages from CAHS students and a Dunkin Donuts gift card as a token of appreciation. Thank you to our veterans for your service. We honor you today and always!
about 2 months ago, Somerset County Public Schools
Photos from the Elks Lodge Veterans Day Program
Photos from the Elks Lodge Veterans Day Program
Photos from the Elks Lodge Veterans Day Program
Photos from the Elks Lodge Veterans Day Program
Photos from the Elks Lodge Veterans Day Program
Photos from the Elks Lodge Veterans Day Program
Photos from the Elks Lodge Veterans Day Program
Congratulations to our Athlete of the Week. T. Brittingham was recognized for showing great sportsmanship at the Regional Golf Tournament and being integral in the start of the golf program as a whole. ⛳️ 🦀
about 2 months ago, David Arnold
Under the direction of Mrs. Heather McHenry, select members of the CHS Band played the National Anthem, America the Beautiful, My Country ‘Tis of Thee, and Proud to Be an American. during the 20th annual breakfast hosted by the Crisfield 1044 Elks and American Legion Post 16. Taps will be played at sunset at the American Legion at 4:53 p.m. Photo Credit: Richard Crumbacker and Victoria Green.
about 2 months ago, Crisfield High School
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Good afternoon CAHS Families and Friends. The link provides the weekly video message from the CAHS Principal. These videos are provided in an effort to keep everyone informed of the weekly events at CAHS.
about 2 months ago, Crisfield High School
Crabber gear makes great Christmas gifts and it helps out the CHS Band! Check out this flyer - 25% off! Sale runs from Nov. 4 - Dec. 10 with guaranteed delivery by Dec. 23rd. Not just for band students - there are lots of non-specific items.
2 months ago, Crisfield High School
Band Sale
Scholarship opportunity for students in grades 9-12 from the Eastern Shore Region, District 2 of the American Legion!
2 months ago, Crisfield High School
AL Scholarship
Congratulations to our students who earned Perfect Attendance for the Month of October! This ice cream is on us!
2 months ago, David Arnold
ice cream
Congratulations to Mrs Rebecca Johnson on receiving a grant from the Community Foundation to encourage students to do their best on state tests. The money will be used to buy prizes for the students. Thank you Mrs Johnson for thinking about our students and school. #weareCrisfield
2 months ago, Crisfield Academy and High School
receiving the check
Great night celebrating with the women's soccer team. There was good food and good people with lots of smiles, laughing, and a few happy tears.
2 months ago, Vestina Davis
Women's soccer team
coach and player
friends and teammates
friends and teammates
friends and teammates
Cousins and teammates
Coach Walbert
Coach Barone
The Field Hockey team enjoyed an end of season meal along with being recognized for their efforts during the season. Thank you athletes for all the hard work you exhibited throughout the season. Congratulations to all our Field Hockey players for the 2024 season. The Coaches Award was awarded to E. Elliott for her efforts. E. Engle was recognized as the team MVP this season. With only one senior on this team...the future looks bright! 🏑 🦀
2 months ago, David Arnold