Difficulty Sleeping?

Due to flooding in low-lying areas of the county, and its occurrence on a scheduled early-dismissal day, schools are now CLOSED today, Wednesday 3/27/24 for students & teachers. 12 month staff should report after a 2 hour delay.

Congratulations to all National Honor Society new members as they were inducted into the Little Annemessex Chapter, advised by Mr. Randy Laird. More photos to come!

FYI - Dual Enrollment Info Session for the 2024-2025 school year!

We would also like to honor and recognize these wonderful ladies who were featured in the February edition of the Crabber Insider Extra!
Mrs. Angie Brittingham – Administrative Assoc. II,
Ms. DeAuvionne Brittingham – 8th Gr. Science Teacher,
Mrs. GG Brumley - Custodian,
Ms. Jocelyn Corbin – LST,
Mrs. Cathy Jackson – Paraprofessional,
Mrs. Edna Johnson – Paraprofessional,
Ms. Deshell Johnson – Cafeteria Assistant,
Ms. Janae Johnson – Learning Support Specialist,
Ms. Monica Jones – Paraprofessional,
Mrs. Dawn Mitchell – Learning Support Specialist,
Mrs. Janice Primm – Learning Support,
Mrs. Renette Walker – Paraprofessional,
Mrs. DeAlma Ward – Cafeteria Assistant,
Mrs. Delia Young - Paraprofessional,

Mrs. Sarah Hanratty
ELA teacher teaching English II,III, and IV
To me Women's History Month means taking the time to recognize the achievements, and hardships women in U.S. have fought for. acknowledging the suffragettes who fought for women’s rights and the vote. It's also a time to learn about women who have made incredible bounds, whom we might not be aware of; a learning opportunity.
I've been singing since I started lessons at 4 years old. My 15 minutes of fame would be that I've sung the National Anthem twice for the Seattle Seahawks and I got the opportunity to sing for Saint Pope John Paul II at the Vatican in Rome, Italy. I'm very proud and blessed to have been able to have those moments I will never forget.

Mrs. Vickie Evans
At Crisfield High, Mrs. Vickie Evans is a school administrative associate. She has worked at Crisfield High for 16 years and loves every second of it as the students and staff are amazing. She has been married to her husband for 27 years and has 3 adult children. To Mrs. Evans, Women’s History Month means that we have the chance to highlight the accomplishments of other women. It reminds us to be supportive, encouraging, and nurturing of one another not only throughout this month, but all of the time.

Mrs. Grace Gray is a teacher librarian at Crisfield High. To her, Women’s History Month is the chance to appreciate the accomplishments that were made by women that paved the way to the life she leads today. Women can vote, can have a job, and it's all because of women like and unlike her. It is the chance to appreciate strong women.

Mark your calendar!

Today through March 31, 2024, please take a few moments to respond to the community survey regarding the search for the next Superintendent of SCPS: https://www.somerset.k12.md.us/article/1520931

Somerset County Community Partnership!

After School Warrior Program.

Bobbie Wigglesworth
Women's History Month is very important to me. It represents inspiration and celebration of all women to honor their achievements and contributions to our country.
I enjoy working with our students and staff.

Ms. Sidney Smith is a 9th grade and 11th grade English teacher. Women’s History Month to her means so much to her as for decades of women’s stories and achievements have been largely left out of the curriculum. Now that the curriculum is being changed throughout the classroom, she thinks that we should ask ourselves whose stories are being left out, and how we could elevate and empower female voices.

Mrs. Heather McHenry is an Instrumental Music Director and Music Theatre Teacher and has been here at Crisfield High school for 23 years. To her Women’s History Month means an amazing opportunity for women of all backgrounds to be recognized and highlighted for all of their achievements, contributions, and hard work. It also means that we can celebrate and lift each other up as well as appreciate each other’s achievements. She is proud to be a part of a family of strong, hard-working women who set a wonderful example for her and her daughters to follow. She hopes that she is able to set a similar example for the young women she teaches and is inspired by daily.

Sports Schedule for Week of March 25-27:
Boys Varsity Baseball @ Colonel Richardson, 4:00 pm.
Girls Varsity Softball @ Colonel Richardson, 4:00 pm.
Boys Varsity Baseball @ Snow Hill, 4:00 pm.
Girls Varsity Softball @ Snow Hill, 4:00 pm.
Track & Field @ Cambridge S. Dorchester, 2:00 pm
JV Boys Baseball @ Mardela, 4:00 pm.

March 26, 2024 from 10:30 a.m. - Noon.

Mrs. LuAnn Goldsborough is a special education teacher as well as the 504 case manager, the graduation coordinator, and one of the senior advisors here at Crisfield High. This year marks her 40th year of teaching and she will be retiring this June. To Mrs. Goldsborough, Women’s History Month is a time to celebrate the courageous, determined, and outstanding women that have shaped the world we live in today.

Mrs. Ruthie Todd
Women’s History Month has affected me in the following way: Growing up I had low self-esteem .That all changed when I went to work as an officer at Eastern Correctional Institution. My entering into a man's world gave me courage and a change in the way I looked at myself. I came to realize that I could do different things and accept challenges that would eventually build up my confidence in myself and my abilities.

Mrs. Donna Shores, RN School Nurse
Women's History Month is a month to shine a light on the contributions, innovations, inventions, courage and bravery
by women, for everyone to learn, recognize and celebrate.